Join MoAD’s Chef-in-Residence for a day of presentations, panel discussions, interactive dialogue, and group strategizing for everyone interested in exploring some of the pressing issues related to public health, food, and justice as well learning more about the crucial role that art and media can play in creating a more healthy, just, and sustainable food system.
Topics include creating art and media that makes space for people of color and their stories; responding to white supremacist capitalist patriarchal violence; and tools and empowerment for growing a food business. Our aim is to create space for the exchange of ideas and sharing of skills with an emphasis on empowering those most impacted by food injustice—people of color, youth, and working people (especially those working in the food industry).



Samin Nosrat (Salt, Fat, Acid, and Heat) • Tunde Wey (SAARTJ) • Soliel Ho (Racist Sandwich) • Stephen Satterfield (Whetstone Magazine) • Reem Assil (Reem’s Cafe) • Nik Sharma (A Brown Table) • Sonia Guiñansaca (Culture Strike) • Adrionna Fike (Mandela Grocery Cooperative) • Amanda Yee (The Blues Woman) • Sabrina Mutukisna (The Town Kitchen) • Jessica Moncada (Red Bay Coffee) • Alicia Villanueva (Alicia’s Tamales Los Mayas) • Shakirah Shimley (Nourish | Resist) • Matt Gereghty (Hasta Muerte Coffee) • Angela Dimayuga (Standard International)
Breakfast and Lunch provided by The Town Kitchen, a community-driven food business that employs and empowers youth
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD)
685 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94105
Registration: General $45 | MoAD Members $35 | College Students $25 | Food Service Industry $15 | Youth under 18 Free
This program is made possible by the generous donations of Kaiser Permanente and A Small Planet Fund

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