MoAD is pleased to bring back Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. for an important lecture on historical and contemporary modes of black resistance. #Did Black Lives Ever Matter?
Chattel slavery was built on the premise that Black Bodies were needed for profits; but Africans were not human beings. They were less than human. They were property — not people! They had no “lives” any more so than cattle, hogs, horses and chickens had “lives”. They only thing that mattered to the slaveholders and slave traders was how much money Black Bodies were worth.
The Slave Patrols, the Black Codes, lynching and the Klan were all terrorist tolls designed to keep the African Bodies “in their place.” Maroons , Maroon communities and Quilombos in the “new World” were a statement that Black Lives mattered and that Black human beings refused to be treated (or seen) as property. The Africans who “stole away” to freedom were determined to be free and stay free.
The militarized police murder of Black Bodies in Ferguson, Staten Island, Cleveland and Oakland are directly related to the cold blooded murders of Emmett Till, Medgar Evers and hundreds of “pieces” of “strange fruit” which demonstrated how Black Lives did not matter to the dominant culture then — just as they still do not matter now.
Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. became Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in 1972. A student of Black Sacred Music, ethnomusicology and African Diaspora studies, Dr. Wright is an historian of religions. He has lectured at seminaries and universities across the United States and has represented Trinity United Church of Christ and The United Church of Christ around the world.
He is recognized as a leading theologian and pastor and has authored numerous articles for academic journals. At the end of May 2008, Dr. Wright retired as senior pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ and now spends his time preaching, teaching, leading study tours to Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean.
Admission is $25 General | $20 MoAD Members
Member tickets are available from January 15, 2015. Each member may purchase up to 2 tickets. To obtain a special promotional code for advanced ticket sales for members, email kking@moadsf.org
General Admission tickets (if available) will be on sale as of January 23, 2015.
Purchase tickets here
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